SAE G-11 Software Reliability Subcommittee
Subcommittee Chair: Russ
Morris, Boeing Company
PROJECT: Software Safety Program
Standard & Implementation Guide
Project Chair: Mike Brown,
US Navy
Project Vice Chair: Jeff
Fornoff, US Army ARDEC
Objectives: |
Write Software Safety Program Standard
Write Software Safety Program Implementation Guide
Approach: |
Use basic approach in previous JA1003/JA1003 standard/guide
Expand upon software safety information in JA1003
Use Def Stan 00-56 rewrite for guidance
Use ARDEC Rich Payne's existing draft study information
Use SNL SQAS work item draft study information
Coordinate with existing software safety initiatives (e.g., AC326,
NATO Ammunition Safety, Mike Brown US)
Participants: |
Mike Brown, US Navy (Project Chair)
Jeff Fornoff, US Army ARDEC (Project Vice Chair)
Dave Magidson, US Army ARDEC QE &SA
Karen Lafond, US Army TARDEC
Dev Raheja, Design For Competitiveness Consultant
Mike Simpson, UK MOD
Derek Achenbach, Rolls-Royce
Russ Morris, Boeing Company
Frank Marotta, ATEC
David Peercy, Sandia National Laboratories
Outline dates: |
Final Ballot Program Standard: 1 year
Final Ballot Implementation Guide: 1 year |
Review of JA1007, Software Safety Program Standard in final stages.
Interested in participating? Please contact any of the above.